Home sick

Baru seminggu tak blek tu pon da nanges.
Ape la...
Wake up ati wake up.
Now you are 24 years old not 12 years old.

Asek ingat rumah je..
Kalo org lain taw buat malu je...

Rindu nk golek golek dgn ibu.
Rindu nk kaco adek.
Rindu nk pelok abg.
Rindu nk tgk ayah.

Tapi ak pon nk jumpe kwn kwn.
Lame tak jumpe diorg.

Ayah, ibu, abg, adek...
Akak rindu korang seme....

Written on 25 Oct 2013
11.13 pm.

Aku si penakut


It's was scary...
I'm at bus terminal pontian now.
Waiting for bus to benut.

There was a guy.
I had never saw him.
I'm really scared.

At first he look at me.
Ok. I tough it was nothing.
It was normal for human to see around him right.
So I was ignore him.

Then our eyes meet again.
Ok. I just do nothing.
At last he stand in front me with cigerate between his lips (smoking).
He take a sit beside me.
He try to make conversation with me.
He asked some question.

Nk pegi mane ?
Tunggu sape ?
Kenapa tanak jawab ?
Jangan sombong.
Saya orang baek. Bukan orang jahat.
Saja nak teman borak borak.

And i didn't answer to all his question.
I just turn my head to left and right.
Just facing the floor. I was really scared.

Dlm hati berkata.
Bukan sombong. Tapi takot. Cara encik salah.
I never gave you any positive signal just go away from me.

At last he gave up and get away from me.
And i try to find bus.

While i typing he was glared at me now.
But i'm save for now coz i'm in bus.

Written on 4.13pm 19 Oct 2013

Di mana ada kemahuan di situ ada highway


Last entry terasa diri tu da beso sgt...
Tapi i am a persom who need more lesson to be mature. Need to learn more.

So untuk masa, waktu dan tika ini. Ak teringin untuk mengambil sikap mengurangkan jumlah perkataan bertutur. Kire nk kurang bercakap la nie.

Ak memang da lama nk ubah perangai ak yg cube menjemah ni.
Pagi tadi my beloved friend had adviced me. So i hope i can fullfill her advice.

Ak teringin.
Ak mahu.
Oleh itu ak perlu berusaha.
Yeyeah !

11 oct 2013



My leave was approved.
Suke suke suke.

Arghhh !!!!
Geram taw tak.
Baru je nk berbaek baek sangka dengan die...
At last saket pulak hati kite...
Bonggekss betolla....

Memang kite takkan berbaek kot...