In deep

Since u have let the others know about us so why don’t I let the other know what in my side.
It fair right ? but I don’t think you will know this… past is past… but I want you to know that you are a kind person and you are not cruel and mean. You have your own way…

Ok fine, I know I did it WRONG !
I KNOW it belong to YOU
IT was YOURS....
I KNOW YOU have RIGHT to UPSET with me.
I knew it…
I didn’t get upset with your action.
But it hurt a bite of my heart.
Why ?
Because you word to me.
Yes it was not directly come to me.
But it was purposely straight to me.
But that you way…
I knew it already and I believe you knew that too…
It’s ok to me since it was past.
I knew I’m WRONG…

But please in future if you want let me know about you please use other word…
May be it fine to you… may be… but it not to me… please use other word…
‘bahasa melambangkan bangsa’ dan setiap yang keluar daripada mulut dan hati merupakan doa…

One upon a time in 4 SKR =)

I was receiving comments from my friends based on my presentation on Plant Design presentation 1

They said :

Cikgu sekolah tadika…. ****!!

Try to speak English. Try to smile. Ur smile make me smile oso =)

Good posture. Presentation too short and not much explanation. Able to answer question.

Explain it much better. Tak ape gementar sedikit perlu latihan kat rumah. Treat this presentation as a industrial presentation.

Suara awak cam jong kook, nice good presenter.

Go jumi go !

Try to make it clear

Ayu ! sore pon ayu. Pandai menjawab =)

Low voice and soft. Please improve…. That’s been 4 year now. Grow up Jumi. Grow up. Hwaiting.

Thanks friends and lecturer.
I’ll take ur comment and try to improve my self
Kamsamida ~


First of all I would like to say sorry
Coz nak membebel plus merapu ntah pape
Ahha !

Matang ?
Apekah itu ?
Ntah la tataw la.
My friend said, umur-umur cam ak nie
Kene la blajar jd matang skit…


Saya blom mantang lagi
Oleh itu saya berharap tiada yang akan datang memetik.
I’m not ready enough right now 

Amat berharap aku dapat belajar something !

Belajar tentang

 Menerima kekurangan orang lain 
Seperti mana aku dapat menerima kebaikan dan kelebihan mereka

Setiap manusia berbezza dan punya keistimewaan mereka 

Itu fakta yang aku dan semua tahu
Tapi kadangkala aku lupa kebaikan dan kelebihan mereka tak kala aku mula merasa bosan dan muak

Aku harap aku dapat sentiasa ingat keistimewaan mereka